Klohamed erfindet den Pisslam

muhammad creates islam

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6 Antworten zu Klohamed erfindet den Pisslam

  1. Erz Engel schreibt:

    Es fehlen noch: „Rape“, „Pedophilia“ und „Sodomy“.

  2. Time schreibt:

    Hallo Tangsir,

    Leo hetzt mal wieder gegen uns. Meine Analyse inkl. Links findest Du unter

    Sei gegrüßt

    von Time

  3. Yusuf Zahran schreibt:

    You are as ignorant as a pig if you believe this picture.As a muslim,God created Islam just as much as Juddisam and Christianity.So if you act like Islam is dirt,you are saying God’s creations are evil and deceiving.Also,Prophet Mohammad (swa)was a messenger,who taught and spread the peaceful religon.

    • daniel peters schreibt:

      did mohammad really spread the „peaceful“ religion? Didn’t he kill and murder? caravan raids. no response needed

    • Atzenking schreibt:

      it´s 100 % correct and what do you muslims always talk about pigs??? just look to Nigeria, Kenia, Israel, Irak, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria and on and on and on. You always need your religion as protection for war and crime. poor bastards 😉

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