Iranische Heldinnen: Pussy Riot & Femen & Free Minds

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One Million SignaturesYek Million

Iranian women’s rights activists in Iran started the Campaign, to follow up a peaceful protest with the same aim on 12 June 2006 in Haft-e Tir Square in Tehran. Preparation started immediately in June, and the campaign was officially launched on August 28, at a seminar entitled The Impact of Laws on Women’s Lives.


As well as collecting a million signatures to support reform of the law, the Campaign, in its own words, also aims to achieve the following:

  1. Promotion of collaboration and cooperation for social change.
  2. Identification of women’s needs and priorities.
  3. Amplifying women’s voices.
  4. Increasing knowledge, promoting democratic action.
  5. Paying our dues.
  6. The Power of numbers.
  7. Power in diversity.

The campaign seeks to secure equal rights in marriage and inheritance, an end to polygamy, and stricter punishments for honour killings and other forms of violence.

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